The book “Ciência Cidadã na Educação em Ciências” authored by Professor Carla Morais was launched on January 29th, at the Library of the Faculty of Sciences (FCUP).
The book was launched with the presence of Antonio Machiavelo, FCUP Pro-Director (Science and Culture), and José Varejão, Pro-Rector of the University of Porto (Communication and Alumni). The presentation counted with J. Bernardino Lopes, Full Professor at UTAD (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) and Director/Editor of APEduC; Maria João Fonseca, Visiting Assistant Professor at FCUP and Director of Communication at the Museum of Natural History and Science at the University of Porto, and Rui Vieira, Associate Professor with Aggregation at the University of Aveiro.
The book can be purchased at the following link: